image #2

Handling, transporting and temporary storage of birds before preparation

The following steps are very important to take to be successful at finishing our tasks. Neglecting them could result in damages beyond repair.

Handling, storing and transporting fur-bearing animals




When making a head or a full body taxidermy we have to measure the whole body, since in most cases the body itself is not taken to the taxidermist.

The skin must be removed along the membrane using the palms or knife handle. When necessary we can make careful incisions as well. Take care not to cut through the skin and not to make unnecessary incisions.

When skinning the head the concha or ear-root must be cut right next to the skull and leave a big space around the lips, eyes and nose cartilage.


The cut on the belly side must be made to the anterior chest bone. Continue skinning the neck on the back from the shoulders to the nape.

In case of antler species use a Y-shaped incision as show in the image. The antler roots must be opened using a very sharp knife and then the head must be skinned around.

In case of a half taxidermy it is very important to leave enough skin! Cut the skin on the back at right angles to the line of the back as shown in the picture below.

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Lay the nipped skin with its meat side up and level it. Rub the skin thoroughly with salt. Salt the head skin thoroughly next to the eyes, lips and ear roots. Leave the skin to rest for a day until the fluids dry out of it. The following day the skin of the belly part and the limbs should be folded in and then rolled from the head to the tail. The prepared skin should be put in a nylon bag and into a freezer. Use the skin for taxidermy as soon as possible.